Wildcard equivalent in C# generics

Solution 1:

Generics in C# make stronger guarantees than generics in Java. Therefore, to do what you want in C#, you have to let the GeneralPropertyMap<T> class inherit from a non-generic version of that class (or interface).

public class GeneralPropertyMap<T> : GeneralPropertyMap

public class GeneralPropertyMap
    // Only you can implement it:
    internal GeneralPropertyMap() { }

Now you can do:

private void TakeGeneralPropertyMap(GeneralPropertyMap[] maps)


GeneralPropertyMap[] maps = new GeneralPropertyMap[3];
maps[0] = new GeneralPropertyMap<String>();
maps[1] = new GeneralPropertyMap<Integer>();
maps[2] = new GeneralPropertyMap<Double>();

Solution 2:

While, as others have noted, there's no exact correspondence to wildcards in c#, some of their use cases can be covered with covariance/contravariance.

public interface IGeneralPropertyMap<out T> {} // a class can't be covariant, so 
                                        // we need to introduce an interface...

public class GeneralPropertyMap<T> : IGeneralPropertyMap<T> {} // .. and have our class
                                                            // inherit from it

//now our method becomes something like
private void TakeGeneralPropertyMap<T>(IList<IGeneralPropertyMap<T>> maps){}

// and you can do
    var maps = new List<IGeneralPropertyMap<Object>> {
        new GeneralPropertyMap<String>(),
        new GeneralPropertyMap<Regex>()
    //And finally pass the array in.

The caveat is that you can't use covariance with value types, so adding a new GeneralPropertyMap<int>() to our list fails at compile time.

cannot convert from 'GeneralPropertyMap<int>' to 'IGeneralPropertyMap<object>'

This approach may be more convenient than having a non-generic version of your classes/interfaces in case you want to constrain the types that GeneralPropertyMap can contain. In that case:

public interface IMyType {}
public class A : IMyType {}
public class B : IMyType {}
public class C : IMyType {}

public interface IGeneralPropertyMap<out T> where T : IMyType {} 

allows you to have:

var maps = new List<IGeneralPropertyMap<IMyType>> {
    new GeneralPropertyMap<A>(),
    new GeneralPropertyMap<B>() ,
    new GeneralPropertyMap<C>() 