New posts in gaming-history

What is the origin of the standard color coding scheme for item rarity? [duplicate]

What was the first Mario game that featured taking down Bowser with 3 hits?

Was return to castle wolfenstein ever released in Germany or Austria?

Who wrote the game 'The Pits'?

What examples of games break the fourth wall and direct the player to read the manual? [closed]

How do people discover cheat codes in games?

Is Avenging Spirit the first game that features a possession gameplay mechanic?

What was the first game to have a livestream mode to try to avoid legal issues?

How did the term 'buff' originate?

Is there a standardized rating system for game difficulty?

What are the oldest electronic (electric?) arcade games?

Was SSI's isometric RPG "M" ever released?

What are Typing Jet and De La Jet Set Radio?

Why do Electronic Arts games for Genesis (Mega Drive) have a different cartridge size?

What was the first ever FPS with secondary fire?

Are there any non-fiction games? [closed]

What sort of hardware was used to transfer Mew at Pokemon Red & Blue worldwide events?

Where did 'Soon™' originate?

What tools were used to analyze & challenge the records for Dragster?

What is the record word size for a gaming system?