New posts in game-theory

$3$ scorpions are chasing $1$ ant on the edges of a cube. The ant is $3$ times as fast than any scorpion. Can the ant survive?

A simple game on infinite chessboard

Understanding the solution of a riddle about lions and sheep.

Number of moves to solve a flood-it/sock-dye game

Salvaging a damaged cable

Calculate optimal mixed strategies from payoff matrix an value

Mixed strategy nash equilibria in from $2\times N$ bimatrix form

Is there a perfect algorithm for chess? [closed]

Calculating the correlated equilibrium of a $3\times 3$ normal form game using MatLab

Best way to play 20 questions

Game involving points on $[0,1]$

A game played on a rectangle

What is the fastest way to guess a word that someone is thinking by asking yes/no questions?

How to choose the smallest number not chosen?

Determining the number of valid TicTacToe board states in terms of board dimension

The LP formulation of a 2 player 0-sum game

Optimal strategy for the Rope Climbing Game

best strategies for 'Squid Game' episode 6 game 4 "marble game" players

Game theory textbooks/lectures/etc

Toss a fair die until the cumulative sum is a perfect square-Expected Value