New posts in future

"You'll be hoping for a bit more from the new player, I suppose." Why the future continuous?

Would or will. A question is about a certain future event

"You were already having been going to do that!"

The "to~" infinitive always implies the future, except for preference Like and Love

What’s the difference between "Are you going" and "Will you go"?

"when would" vs "when will" [closed]

Why does Future Perfect Tense "sound" as though it didn't happen?

Transform Java Future into a CompletableFuture

When should I use a FutureBuilder?

Scala: List[Future] to Future[List] disregarding failed futures

The use of "will" in assumptions

Is the conditional a mood or a tense?

Can we use should /would and /could in Future perfect tense

Why does the King James Bible say "I shall not want" and then "I will fear no evil."

How can i add circular progress indicator on "onPressed" in the follwing code?

What is correct: "will be not" or "will not be"? [closed]

Is the use of future tense (especially "will" and "shall") going out of grammar?

"Going to go" vs "going to"?

What tense is "If I were a bird, I could fly"

Is "am going" a verb phrase?