New posts in functions

Proving a function is onto and one to one

Prove that there exists $n\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $f^{(n)}$ has at least n+1 zeros on $(-1,1)$

How to find minimum value of : $\frac{7x^2 - 2xy + 3y^2}{x^2 - y^2}$?

Given limit f(x) = L at x=c , does the function f(x) "always" need to be defined in the close neighborhood of c?

Range of function doesn't contain any value belonging to an interval

How can I find where certain bash function is defined?

Solve for $f(x)$ if $f(f(x))=6x-f(x)$

Find formula from values

Bump functions whose derivatives $f^{(n)}(x)$ converge to $0$ uniformly as $n\to\infty$

Finding the range of $f(x) = 1/((x-1)(x-2))$

Does there exist a continuous function from [0,1] to R that has uncountably many local maxima?

What kind of "mathematical object" are limits?

Produce unique number given two integers

What are the strategies I can use to prove $f^{-1}(S \cap T) = f^{-1}(S) \cap f^{-1}(T)$?

Proof of $f^{-1}(B_{1}\setminus B_{2}) = f^{-1}(B_{1})\setminus f^{-1}(B_{2})$

Inverse function of $x^x$

Function that is both midpoint convex and concave

Where can I put a user-defined shell function?

Does $f(x) = f(2x)$ for all real $x$, imply that $f(x)$ is a constant function?

IMO 1987 - function such that $f(f(n))=n+1987$ [closed]