New posts in functions

What is the formula for diminishing percentages?

Meaning of "$\exists$" in "$\{y \in Y : \exists x \in X \text{ such that }f(x) = y\}$"

Proof on Euler totient function

Finding $f(B(0, 1))$ when $f(z) = \frac1 2(z + \frac 1 z)$

Holomorphic and Harmonic functions

What are some examples of Idempotent functions?

Can $x^2$ be expressed as an Exponential Function?

How to recognise intuitively which functions grow faster asymptotically?

Fourier Series involving the Jacobi Symbol

what is the meaning of the notation $f: A\times B \rightarrow C$

If a set $S$ has a choice function, does $\bigcup S$ have one too?

What does + in exponent mean?

Continuous extension of XOR

Can the idea of a 'function of a variable' be made rigorous?

History of $f \circ g$

If for an integer $n$, $\frac{f_1(n)}{f_2(n)}=\frac 47$, then $n$ is?

Does proper map $f$ take discrete sets to discrete sets?

Finding Im$f$ when $Re(f) = x^3 - 3xy^2$

Is there a bijective function $f: \mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ that is discontinuous?

Proving the existence of a point with a certain property for a continuous function