New posts in functions

Are all continuous one one functions differentiable?

Functions that are continuous only at two points?

Bijection $f:\mathcal{P}(A)\to(A\to \{0,1\})$

Understanding the Legendre transform

When does function composition commute? [duplicate]

$f(f(x)) = 1 + x^2$, then what is f(1)?

What does _expand do?

Let $B$ be a countable set and let $f$ be a surjective function ($f:A\to B$), then $A$ is also countable

$\max(a,b)=\frac{a+b+|a-b|}{2}$ generalization

Composition of limits

A non-trivial, non-negative, function bounded below by its derivative with $f(0)=0$?

Show that set of pre-periodic points is finite

Topology: Show restriction of continuous function is continuous, and restriction of a homeomorphism is a homeomorphism

Solution of $\phi \left( x \right) = f{\left( x \right)^{g\left( x \right)}}$

Approximate equation of a surface/curves to be used as an objective function

Show that $|b-a|\geq|\cos a-\cos b|$ for all real numbers $\,a\,$ and $\,b$

The map $f:\mathbb{Z}_3 \to \mathbb{Z}_6$ given by $f(x + 3\mathbb{Z}) = x + 6\mathbb{Z}$ is not well-defined

Sequence of continuous functions converges uniformly. Does it imply the limit function is continuous?

Why can a discontinuous function not be differentiable?

Can a pointwise product of $\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ bijections be also a bijection?