New posts in fourier-analysis

Integration (Fourier transform)

Fourier transform of Bessel functions

Limit of $\lim_{t \to \infty} \frac{ \int_0^\infty \cos(x t) e^{-x^k}dx}{\int_0^\infty \cos(x t) e^{-x^p}dx}$

What is Fourier Analysis on Groups and does it have "applications" to physics?

Integration and differentiation of Fourier series

Stein & Shakarchi's Real analysis Hardy-Littlewood Maximal function$ f^{*}(x) \geq |f(x)|$ a.e.

Learning algebra and harmonic analysis

Accessible proof of Carleson's $L^2$ theorem

Equidistribution of $an^\sigma$ for $\sigma\in(0,1)$

Concrete FFT polynomial multiplication example

Construction of a sequence associated to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Inverse Fourier transform of Gaussian

Uniqueness of Fourier transform in $L^1$


Calculating the Fourier transform of $\frac{\sinh(kx)}{\sinh(x)}$

Functions that are their own Fourier transform

What is the discrete analogue of the Fourier transform of the delta function, and in what sense does it hold?

Are there any non-constant "bump functions" in "closed form" whose Fourier Transforms are also in closed form?

Applications of Pseudodifferential Operators

Why do Fourier Series work?