New posts in fourier-analysis

Proof of Fourier Inverse formula for $L^1$ case

Integral using Parseval's Theorem

Integrability of the Hilbert transform of a Schwartz function

Proving $\sum_{n =1,3,5..}^{\infty }\frac{4k \ \sin^2\left(\frac{n}{k}\right)}{n^2}=\pi$

Is there a way to calculate the fractional moments of the Cauchy distribution without complex analysis?

Singular asymptotics of Gaussian integrals with periodic perturbations

Solving Laplace's equation $\triangle u = 0$ in the semi-infinite strip $S = \{(x,y): 0 < x < 1, 0 < y\}$

Fourier series is to Fourier transform what Laurent series is to ...?

Criteria for swapping integration and summation order

What is a good book, or article, that explains the history of fourier analysis?

How to show for $\alpha\in (0,1)$, any $f\in C^\alpha([0,1]/{\sim})$ has a Fourier series $S_nf$ uniformly converging to $f$

Fourier transform of the error function, erf (x)

How to calculate the PSD of a stochastic process

Why the Fourier and Laplace transforms of the Heaviside (unit) step function do not match?

How was the Fourier Transform created?

Fourier series coefficients proof

Fourier transform of $\text{sinc}^3 {\pi t}$

Does the Fourier Transform exist for f(t) = 1/t?

Proving commutativity of convolution $(f \ast g)(x) = (g \ast f)(x)$

Evaluating the improper integral $\int_0^\infty \frac{x\cos x-\sin x}{x^3} \cos(\frac{x}{2}) \mathrm dx $