New posts in folders

I rename a app folder on the iPhone 3GS using iTunes 10.1 on Mac; then sync causes it to revert

How do I set an icon for a directory via the CLI? [duplicate]

Determining The Complete Size Of A Folder & Its Sub-Folders in Finder?

Is there a way to hide/remove the drop box folder (not that is inside of public folder?

If a folder contains sub-folders and files, is there a Terminal command to remove some sub-folders while not removing any files?

give another user permissions on folder, but not on parent folders

Into Finder, when clicking on a color tag, loading unfinishing and finally no folders displayed as expected

How can I force a folder and the contents to be downloaded locally and not uploaded to the iCloud?

AppleScript: How to create a new Finder window for a folder that is already open?

Change Finder folder view for only one folder?

How to force files saved to the system's Downloads folder to be stored on an external drive?

Custom iOS folder icons?

Organizing user home directory between SSD and HDD

Is there a way to tell iOS mail app to put emails from specific senders in a special folder automatically?

Rename various folders ignoring current name with Better Finder Rename

Compare content of two folders, including subfolders

How to access an external drive

Spaces in a folder name

How do I access the Volumes directory in Macintosh HD? [closed]

How to delete user Downloads folder