New posts in folders

How to delete directory ~/Pictures?

Why does it take so long for the Application folder to open?

Merge folders is not working

VirtualBox - Sharing a folder

GUI vs. CLI Folders on macOS

Change directory in Terminal if working folder moved to Trash (in interactive shell)?

Why is date modified for a folder earlier than date modified for files inside in Finder?

How to pull Newsstand apps out of Newsstand, or else put other apps into Newsstand?

Chrome keeps creating Application folder in Home folder

Random Untitled Folders Appearing

Apple TextEdit - where is the file being saved?

Yet Another Custom Sidebar Icon Question (System Info.plist Question)

What does an X in the upper-left of a folder icon mean?

organising apps by multiple levels of folders possible?

Removing a file from a protected folder in Mojave

How do I stop folders automatically opening on my MacBook Pro 2014?

How can I trigger the creation of a .DS_Store file in a directory?

symbolic link vs. alias

How to edit binary InfoPlist.strings in Mountain Lion (for Finder to display folders before files)?

Is it a bad idea to have a folder and a notebook in a different folder with same name?