New posts in finite-groups

If $|G| = n < 60$, and $n$ is composite, then $G$ is not a simple group. Why? [duplicate]

A group of order less than $60$

What is the intersection of all Sylow $p$-subgroup's normalizer?

Solvability of a group with order $p^n$

Cardinality of $\text{Aut}(G\times G) $

Number of solutions to $x^n=e$ in group $G$ is divisible by $n$

Does there exist a finite group whose automorphism group is simple?

$A_5$ is the only subgroup of $S_5$ of order 60 [duplicate]

More on numbers of homomorphisms.

How many $A_5$ are there inside $A_6$?

Every finite group is the Galois group of a field extension

When is a class function the character of a representation?

An element of $GL_n(\mathbb F_p)$ cannot have order $p^2$ if $n < p$

Square free finite abelian group is cyclic

The existence of a group automorphism with some properties implies commutativity.

sum of trace for representations of finite groups

Is the Dihedral Group of order $24$ isomorphic to the Symmetric Group on $4$ elements? [closed]

What is the number of automorphisms (including identity) for permutation group $S_3$ on 3 letters?

$p$ is the minimal prime dividing the order of $G$, and $H$ operates on $G/H$ by multiplication. $H/\ker\left(\varphi\right)$ embedded in $S_{p-1}$

How "big" can the center of a finite perfect group be?