New posts in finder

How do I move files in Finder Macbook from the "download folder" to another folder easily? [closed]

Finder: show video thumbnail for all kind of formats/containers

Does the search in Finder need spotlight?

How to find out when was a photo taken?

High Sierra's Finder don't index files in storage unit

What exactly does pressing a character key in a Finder window do?

Finder crashes constantly

Finder window left border display bug

Finder window pops up every time Time Machine makes a backup

How to check the type filter in file open dialog?

AppleScript : do a mouse scroll on a Finder window

Find symbolic links (’s names) with Spotlight (Finder)

Missing "show package contents" cmd

How to add Trash folder to Finder Sidebar in Mojave?

Seemingly random apps have a slash through their icons

Folder name in sidebar is changed, how to get it back?

Unaccent Special characters and bulk-rename

Why would a MacOS app not run from Launchpad or Finder but run from Terminal just fine?

How do I change the color of my Dock on Mac

Finder remounts DMG files that I opened previously