New posts in find

Non-recursive find on linux

deleting folders with spaces in their names using xargs [duplicate]

How to find file accessed/created just few minutes ago

Batch run mogrify including subdirectories

How to find files excluding symbolic links?

How to find and replace line(s) in multiple files using Notepad++?

how to have 'find' not return the current directory

Fastest way to search a list in python

How to move some files to their parent directory?

find lacks the option -printf, now what?

Why are the backslash and semicolon required with the find command's -exec option?

Find methods calls in Eclipse project

Why does the find command blow up in /run/?

How do I prevent a folder inside of /tmp from being cleaned up?

Find and Replace symbol for whole project intellij?

How do you search for specific text in specific file types? [duplicate]

Is there a "Find in Files" shortcut in Eclipse?

Use find to delete all images under given dimensions

Find, and sort results by date created

How to list all ASCII files present in a directory?