New posts in field-theory

Embed finite field in algebraic closed field

Is $\operatorname{Gal}(\mathbb{Q}_p^{un})\cong \hat{\mathbb{Z}}$?

How can I know how many real roots this polynomial has?

Question About Notation In Field Theory $F(x)$ vs. $F[x]$

$|\operatorname{Aut}(K/F)| \leq [K:F]_s$ holds in general?

Determine the Galois Group of $(x^2-2)(x^2-3)(x^2-5)$

Is $\Bbb Q(\sqrt 2, e)$ a simple extension of $\Bbb Q$?

What is meant by a mixed characteristic field?

Is every discrete absolute value non-archimedean?

Dimension of an algebraic closure as a vector space over its base field.

What is the difference between an axiom and a definition?

Prove that the tensor product of non algebraic extensions is not a field

Integral closure of p-adic integers in maximal unramified extension

Splitting field implies Galois extension

What kinds of non-zero characteristic fields exist?

Minimal polynomial of $\zeta+\zeta^{-1}$

Is there a 'conjugation' on every algebraically closed field?

Example of a nontransitive action of $\operatorname{Aut}(K/\mathbb Q)$ on the roots in $K$ of an irreducible polynomial.

Source to learn Galois Theory

Unramified primes of splitting field