What is the difference between an axiom and a definition?

Solution 1:

In my opinion, it is a matter of perspective.

If we work with fields as objects within mathematics (say, within the theory of ZFC), then the field axioms are basically definitions that decide which objects in our universe are fields, and which ones aren't.

On the other hand, if we view fields as models for a certain theory, then the field axioms describe the properties such a model has to satisfy. In this case I would argue that calling those properties axioms is more appropriate.

If I construct some object in a more powerful theory, and show that it satisfies the axioms, I could argue that the object is something that satisfies some definitions. On the other hand, from the viewpoint of the object itself, it is some structure that satisfies the axioms, it does not "know" that it is constructed as part of a larger, more powerful theory.

Similarly, the Peano Axioms could be taken as axioms that tell us which properties arithmetics has, but on the other side, we could see it as a collection of properties that together define a class of objects that behave arithmetical. For example, we could show that the natural numbers are such an object, and thus satisfy the definition of a "Peano object"

It is even quite natural within set theory to switch between these viewpoints. For example, you commonly encounter countable models of ZFC, which are just sets inside the universe and thus an object defined by the axioms of ZFC (although we could not prove its existence within ZFC, but that's another story).

On the other hand, such sets are models of ZFC, so from the perspective of the model itself, it looks as if you have a complete universe. Then the axioms of ZFC are actual axioms, telling you which statements are true, constructions are allowed to be made, etc.

Solution 2:

My two cents: The "field axioms" are the axioms upon which we build field theory. They say what a field is, the same way the Peano axioms say what the natural numbers are, or the ZF axioms say what a set is. So it's not wrong to call them axioms.

But I can agree that it's a blurry line.

Solution 3:

My POV: A theory has a certain set of primitives: symbols or terms that are not definable because at the start there is nothing to define them by. "Point", "Line" are classical primitive terms of Euclidean geometry.

  • Axioms are statements about the primitives. They determine the content of the theory. (An axiom may be expressed in terms of later-defined concepts, but is reducible to primitives, and expresses some new relationship between them.) In a sense, the axioms can be thought of as defining the primitives by determining how they relate to each other. Axioms do not introduce new symbols or terms to the theory.
  • Definitions introduce new symbols or terms to the theory by expressing them in terms of pre-existing symbols or terms. Definitions are intended to make the theory easier to understand and use, but do not introduce anything that was not already expressible.

For example, one can define a plane as the span of 3 non-colinear points (the span of a collection of points being the smallest set containing the collection and also containing the line through any two points in it). Euclidean geometry is much easier to develop with the concept of a "plane". But you could swap out "plane" with "span of 3 non-colinear points" everywhere, and still get the same theory.

Solution 4:

The linked question (with its answers) deals more with the formal aspects of definitions.

I'll try with a more "easy" approach.

Consider again set theory [ref. to Herbert Enderton, Elements of set theory (Academic Press, 1977)].

We will start from an intuitive explanation of what the topic of the theory is :

A set is a collection of things (called its members or elements), the collection being regarded as a single object. We write "$t \in A$" to say that $t$ is a member of $A$ [page 1].

This is not a definition : we cannot define everything and we have to start somewhere. This "elucidation" gives us the basic stuff of the piece of "Mathematical world" the theory will speak of : (some) objects and a (binary) relation between them.

Then a first "principle" is stated [page 2] : the Priciple of Extensionality. It states the fundamental property of sets : they are identified only through their members, i.e. only the membership relation is relevant for the world of sets.

This principle is used to show that the empty set (the set with no members at all) is unique, i.e. tehre are no two different sets that are both empty.

This little proof assumes that in the world of sets there is a set that is empty.

The next move is use the Axiomatic Method [page 10-on] to develop in a rigorous way the theory of sets. The method is well-known in mathematics :

we are going to state the axioms of set theory, and we are going to show that our theorems are consequences of those axioms.

The first axiom of the theory is the (previously stated) Axiom of Extensionality [page 17].

Next we have two existence axioms: the Empty Set Axiom, followed by the Pairing Axiom.

Nothing in principle has changed from the previous intuitive approach : we presuppose a "universe of discourse" for our theory and we call sets its objects. The objects are (in some cases) conected by the relation of membership, and this relation is "extensional".

In the universe of sets there is a "distinguished" object called the empty set.

Finally, for every two sets : $a$ and $b$, the universe of sets has also a new set (called its pair) whose elements are exactly $a$ and $b$.

The set existence axioms can now be used to justify the definition of symbols [previously] used informally. First of all, we want to define the symbol "$\emptyset$" [page 18].

The approach is quite clear : we have some assumptions (the universe of sets and the membership relation) that are so basic that we cannot state/define in the theory itself and with them we formulate axioms : some of them express basic properties of sets (Extensionalty) while other state the existence of specific sets.

When we have assumed the existence of a specific set (and showed its uniqueness) we may introduce a new symbol to denote it (a "name" for it).

Here the difference between axiom and definition is subtle : we have an axiom asserting the existence of a set with no memebers, and we define a name for it : empty set.

Conclusion : we have not defined what "set" and "membership" are. In the context of the specific theory we are developing, our knowledge of them is through the axioms.

We have stated axioms expressing properties of sets and membership and asserting the existence of sepecific sets.

We have introduced new names for those specific sets.