New posts in field-theory

Do maximal proper subfields of the real numbers exist?

How to solve polynomial equations in a field and/or in a ring?

Abstract algebra book recommendations for beginners.

Is any finite-dimensional extension of a field, say $F$, algebraic and finitely generated?

Why are fields with characteristic 2 so pathological?

Infinite Degree Algebraic Field Extensions

Conceptual reason why a quadratic field has $-1$ as a norm if and only if it is a subfield of a $\mathbb{Z}/4$ extension?

Tensor product of fields may not be a field

Which fields satisfy the Freshman's Dream?

Galois group of a reducible polynomial over $\mathbb {Q}$

Need help understanding separable polynomials

Can "Taking algebraic closure" be made into a functor?

Show that $R\cong R_P$, the ring of quotients of $R$ with respect to the multiplicative set $R-P$ if $R$ has exactly one prime ideal $P$.

Polynomial divisibility is unchanged by coeff. field extension

When is $\mathbb Q(\sqrt c)$ a field?

Examples of a categories without products

Is every primitive element of a finite field of characteristic $2$, a generator of the multiplicative group?

Find the polynomials which satisfy the condition $f(x)\mid f(x^2)$

Why is it called a 'ring', why is it called a 'field'?

Show $\mathbb{Q}[\sqrt[3]{2}]$ is a field by rationalizing