New posts in extension-field

If $K$ is algebraically closed, is the fixed field of an involution real-closed?

Deduce the degree of the extension $[\mathbb C:K]$ is countable and not finite

If $F/L$ is normal and $L/K$ is purely inseparable, then $F/K$ is normal

Polynomials $P(x)\in k[x]$ satisfying condition $P(x^2)=P(-x)P(x)$

Is following a normal field extension?

Philosophy of simple field extensions

Basis of extension of scalars

Can we construct $\Bbb C$ without first identifying $\Bbb R$?

Fields and cubic extensions

Isomorphism between $\Bbb R$ and $\Bbb R(X)$?

This tower of fields is being ridiculous

Suppose $\gcd(\deg(f),\deg (g))=1$. Show that $g(x)$ is irreducible in $k(\alpha)[X]$.

Simple extension of $\mathbb{Q} (\sqrt[4]{2},i)$

How to find the degree of a field extension

Minimum polynomial of $\sqrt{2} + \sqrt[3]{5}$ above $\mathbb{Q}$ (and a generalization)

Definition of *pure* transcendental extension

Algebraic closure of $k((t))$

How to show that $\sqrt{3 - \sqrt{2}} \notin \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{3 + \sqrt{2}})$ [duplicate]

Proof that $K\otimes_F L$ is not noetherian

Algebraic extension of $\Bbb Q$ with exactly one extension of given degree $n$