New posts in erb

Should I use haml or erb or erubis for potentially high traffic site?

Convert existing html.erb to Haml [closed]

What is the difference between .erb , .rhtml and .html.erb?

Notepad++ not syntax highlighting my files

Rails 3 render action from another controller

Rails: access controller instance variable in CoffeeScript or JavaScript asset file

What does <%== %> do in rails erb?

Ruby templates: How to pass variables into inlined ERB?

Default value for input with simple_form

Include blank for first item in select list in options_for_select tag

Render an ERB template with values from a hash

Puppet - can I selectively notify a Service?

Disable HTML escaping in erb templates

Rails js.erb file cannot find method "render"

How do I escape the ERB tag in ERB

erb, haml or slim: which one do you suggest? And why? [closed]

Block comments in html.erb templates in rails

What is the meaning of erb?

Best way to add comments in erb

raw vs. html_safe vs. h to unescape html