Puppet - can I selectively notify a Service?

I have a Puppet script that handles things differently in different environments based on an if/else block. But I have a bunch of common file resource blocks at the bottom that apply to all environments. Currently, those blocks notify => Service['my-service'], but for production, I want it to not notify. I only want it to update the files, not start or stop any services.

My initial idea is, can I store the Service into a variable and set it in each section?


if ($env == 'dev') {
  $myService = Service['my-service']
} elsif ($env == 'prod') {
  $myService = Service['dummy-service']

file { "myfile.xml":
      ensure  => file,
      content =>
      require => Package['my-service'],
      notify  => $myService

I'm not sure if that will work or not, but if it does, what could I use for a dummy service?

Solution 1:

Yes, this is possible, and your code is pretty close to the correct solution:

if ($env == 'dev') {
  $my_service = 'my-service'
} elsif ($env == 'prod') {
  $my_service = 'dummy-service'

file { "myfile.xml":
  ensure  => file,
  content => template("mytemplate.erb"),
  require => Package['my-service'],
  notify  => Service[$my_service]

However, since your request is to not notify at all on a certain environment, a better way would be to do it this way rather than notify a dummy service:

if ($env == 'dev') {
  File['myfile.xml'] ~> Service['my-service']

These are called chaining arrows: https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/7/lang_relationships.html#lang_rel_chaining_arrows