New posts in environment-variables

Is it valid for %Comspec% to have multiple entries?

How to read an environment variable in Kotlin?

How do I specify an IPv6 address in the X Window DISPLAY variable?

BASH on Ubuntu on Windows (AKA Linux Subsystem for Windows) 10 - How do I set my PATH?

using local LS_COLORS on remote server via ssh without modifying remote server

How to generically refer to the AppData folder on the Windows command line?

How can I check if an environment variable is set in Node.js?

Using system environment variables in log4j xml configuration

Where is my PATH variable being set?

How to find out where $MANPATH is set?

"Pointers" with $ Syntax in /etc/environment

How to set the arithmetic precision in "set" batch files variables?

What is LD_LIBRARY_PATH and how to use it?

Why doesn't JSLint/JSHint work in Ubuntu?

Can I set an environment variable for an application using a shortcut in Windows?

Can we read the OS environment variables in Java?

Call "Environment variables" dialog from Win-r

Change environment variable (TERM)

Difference between shell and environment variables

Preventing bash tab completion of an environment variable with a FS path value from removing the environment variable name