New posts in eigenvalues-eigenvectors

Eigenvalues of linear operator $F(A) = AB + BA$

Determinant of rank-one perturbation of a diagonal matrix

Ratio of largest eigenvalue to sum of eigenvalues -- where to read about it?

Eigenvalues of the sum of two matrices: one diagonal and the other not.

Why do siamese magic squares have real eigenvalues, symmetric around zero?

Distinct Characteristic Roots - Bellman

Expected value of the smallest eigenvalue

Question about Axler's proof that every linear operator has an eigenvalue

Eigenvalues of $AB$ and $BA$ are the same?

Finding spectral radius of matrix without computing characteristic polynomial

square root of symmetric matrix and transposition

Relation between Cholesky and SVD

Are the eigenvalues of the sum of two positive definite matrices increased?

Quick question: matrix with norm equal to spectral radius

Maximum angle between a vector $x$ and its linear transformation $A x$

How is the Laplace Transform a Change of basis?

Show $\mathbf{m} \times \mathbf{n}$ is an eigenvector of $I + \mathbf{m}\mathbf{n}^T$ for $\mathbf{m}$, $\mathbf{n}$ orthogonal real unit vectors

Eigenvalues of product of a matrix and a diagonal matrix

How to compute the SVD of a symmetric matrix?

Find the solution of the sistem $x''=2x+y$ and $y''=x+2y$