New posts in dotfiles

Source other configuration file in gpg.conf

free visual editor for graph (dot) files [closed]

Should I use quotes in environment path names?

How to show hidden files (dotfiles) with windows powershell [duplicate]

Exclude hidden folders using rsync, but Include specific hidden folders and include all hidden files

How can I show dotfiles in Textmate 2?

Adding your .vim ~/.vimrc to github (aka dot files)

In Linux, what dot- files & directories should I back up?

Strategy to maintain dotfiles for different OSs (i.e. osx and ubuntu)

How do I set $TERM permanently in fish shell?

Is there a .mocha file where I can specify defaults such as --no-colors?

What's the difference between Git ignoring directory and directory/*?

How can I grep hidden files?

What is a .un~ file or or why does Vim in the Terminal make the .un~ file?

Can I keep . and .. out of .* expansion?

Hide dotfiles in Windows

Suggestions for entries in a sysadmins .vimrc

vim - how to remove netrw?

How can I make "ls" show dotfiles first?

Windows Unable to Delete ._. File