New posts in discrete-optimization

The drawn diagonals divide the $N\times N$ board into $K$ regions. For each $N$, determine the smallest and the largest possible values of $K$.

How do you solve the system $Ax=b$ where $\|x\|_1 \leq \delta$ and $x \in \lbrace 0,1 \rbrace^n$?

Smallest diameter of a balanced subset of the Hamming cube

How can I linearize the IFF-THEN constraint with binary and continuous variable?

if $ \{ a_1 , a_2 , \cdots, a_{10} \} = \{ 1, 2, \cdots , 10 \} $ . Find the maximum value of $I= \sum_{n=1}^{10}(na_n ^2 - n^2 a_n ) $

Maximize the trace of a matrix by permuting its rows

Bags with balls - Combinatorial Optimization of Probability problem

What is the name of this class of (combinatorial?) problems?

Graph Theory - Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) Question

Find the minimum number of edges in a graph with $3n+1$ vertices if ...

Understanding proof related to Hungarian algorithm

Binary programming problem. Any closed solution and/or lower bound for this particular case?

Maximizing the value of a determinant

Greatest number of parts in which n planes can divide the space

Domination problem with sets

Largest rectangle not touching any rock in a square field

We have $n$ charged and $n$ uncharged batteries and a radio which needs two charged batteries to work.

Find an optimal allocation of groups in an array

square cake with raisins

How can I solve a binary quadratic program in MATLAB?