New posts in diophantine-equations

A diophantine equation with unknown exponents: $ 4^n + 5^n = 7^m + 2^m $

Solutions to Linear Diophantine equation $15x+21y=261$

Is the quartic diophantine equation $a^4+nb^4 = c^4+nd^4$ solvable for any integer $n$?

$\mathbb Z[\sqrt 3]$ contains infinitely many units

Is $x^5+x+5=y^2$ solvable over the integers?

Does the equation $x^2+23y^2=2z^2$ have integer solutions?

How can there be explicit polynomial equations for which the existence of integer solutions is unprovable?

Convex sided polygon with exterior angles in AP [duplicate]

Convex n-sided polygons whose exterior angles expressed in degrees are in arithmetic progression

Finding integer cubes that are $2$ greater than a square, $x^3 = y^2 + 2$ [duplicate]

Triples of Numbers

Diophantine equation power of 7 and 2

Diophantine: $x^3+y^3=z^3 \pm 1$

When does $x^2+2y^2 =p$ have a solution in integers?

Existence of solutions to diophantine quadratic form

Integer solutions (lattice points) to arbitrary circles

Find all positive integers satisfying: $x^5+y^6=z^7$

solving $x^3-2y^3=1$ using cubic number field

Find all positive integers $L$, $M$, $N$ such that $L^2 + M^2 = \sqrt{ N^2 +21}$

What are $x$, $y$ and $z$ if $\frac{x}{y + z} + \frac{y}{x + z} + \frac{z}{x + y} = 4$ and $x$, $y$ and $z$ are whole numbers?