New posts in diablo-3-monk

How is damage calculated for Way of the Hundred Fists?

What is the preferred order of DPS stats for the Monk?

Why does a Demon Hunter take more damage than a Monk with near-identical stats?

Does the blacksmith craft monk-specific gear? [duplicate]

What level monk should I be before I attempt to fight bosses on hardcore?

Do the Monk's mantras affect Witch Doctor pets? [duplicate]

Does it matter which resistance type I stack when using One With Everything?

Increases spirit regeneration by X per second

As a Monk, will my skills be hindered by equipping a shield?

Do items that increase skill based damage factor into displayed DPS

Does Impending Doom decreases Exploding Palm's DPS?

What refreshes Sweeping Wind?

Does the Monk passive skill "Resolve" stack with multiple Monks applying it?

Am I misunderstanding Monk's Sixth Sense ability?

How much health does my Mystic Ally have?

How do you beat Belial in Diablo 3 as a Monk?

Does Sweeping Wind activate Resolve?

What monk skill deals the most damage per spirit?

Which Monk spirit-generator skills generates spirit the fastest?

In a party with more than one monk, how do mantras work together?