What monk skill deals the most damage per spirit?

Here is the dps (damage per spirit) of all the Monk AOE spells, taken from http://us.battle.net/d3/en/class/monk/active/.

Note that I'm only listing AOE skills that hit a bunch of enemies at once (not Seven-Sided Strike or Tempest Rush), only runes that increase damage or lower spirit cost, and not listing spirit generators.

Skills, listed in decreasing dps:

  • Lashing Tail Kick: Spinning Flame Kick: 240% weapon damage for 30 spirit = 8 dps
  • Lashing Tail Kick: Vulture Claw Kick: 220% weapon damage for 30 spirit = 7.33 dps
  • Lashing Tail Kick: 200% weapon damage for 30 spirit = 6.67 dps
  • Wave of Light: Pillar of the Ancients: 420% weapon damage for 75 spirit = 5.6 dps
  • Wave of Light: Empowered Light: 215% weapon damage for 40 spirit = 5.38 dps
  • Wave of Light: Wall of Light: 312% weapon damage for 75 spirit = 4.16 dps
  • Wave of Light: Explosive Light: 285% weapon damage for 75 spirit = 3.8 dps
  • Cyclone Strike: Eye of the Storm: 100% weapon damage for 30 spirit = 3.33 dps
  • Breath of Heaven: Circle of Scorn: 80% weapon damage for 25 spirit = 3.2 dps
  • Wave of Light: 215% weapon damage for 75 spirit = 2.87 dps
  • Cyclone Strike: 100% weapon damage for 50 spirit = 2 dps

Of course, this is very situational. Some of these spells affect a large area and will make it easy to hit a dozen monsters. Some affect a cone or path and will make it hard to hit more than 2 or 3.