Does the Monk passive skill "Resolve" stack with multiple Monks applying it?

If you have 2 monks in your party, and they both have the passive "Resolve" ability which decreases enemy damage by 25% for 2.5 seconds when you inflict any damage, if they both hit the same enemy will the Resolve effect stack and cause additional damage reduction?

If it does stack, is the effect truly additive, causing a 50% reduction?

Enemy Damage * (.25 + .25) = Damage to Player

Or is it multiplicative, causing less than a 50% reduction?

Enemy Damage * .75 * .75 = Damage to Player

I wish the game were more clear on what abilities can stack, or we could somehow enable debuff status on a mob to see how things are being applied. For example, 2 monks with 2 of the same Mantra active will not stack, but with different mantras it will, and we know that because it appears in our status bar. But 2 monks using exploding palm on a mob can stack the effects, yet there is no way to know that without a little testing. A status bar for mobs would be an immense help.

Solution 1:

No, identical buffs/debuffs do not stack

Applying a buff or debuff that already exists simply refreshes the debuff already there

It should be noted that this is different for DoT debuffs. Per this post

The exception would be DOTS from multiple players. No player can reset/remove your DOT. Everyone has their own DOT counters, so you can apply the same DOT to one enemy as long as it is coming from two different sources.