New posts in derivational-morphology

What is the adjectival form of group?

Adjectival form of the verb despise?

Adjectival form of "degrade"?

What is the correctly derived adjectival form, if any, of apothecary?

Adjectival form of "phyllid?"

Why some words ending in -ke become -cable (and/or -cative), while others become -kable (or -keable)

What's the adjectival form of "data"/"datum"?

Using “allium” as an adjective

Is "hardwork" a valid word?

Adjective form of "adjective"

A toned down term to replace "orthodoxy" in sociology of art

People that rejoice in others' suffering [duplicate]

Frequently Vs Frequent: adverbial form or adjectival form?

What is the difference between "graphic" and "graphical" as adjectives?

Can we determine a proper verb form of "exegesis" for Biblical scholars to use?

What's the adjectival form of "sauce" as "salty" is to "salt"?

Is “irritance” not a word?

Adjective for something that can be responded to

Differing pronunciations of "divisive"

Does English allow "assemblable" to be created from "assemble"?