New posts in derivational-morphology

"miss assessed" “miss-assessed” or “misassessed”?

employ, employer, employee - can I generalize this pattern to (verb), (verb)er, (verb)ee? [duplicate]

When is it possible to form an adjective ending in "-onian"? Could we say "Marxonian"?

Why can "dispute" be both verb and noun, but "refute" only a verb?

Why word "weighten" aren't actually a valid word?

-actic or -acic?

Is multifunctionality an actual word?

Name for person who uses epanorthosis

What is the Plutonian equivalent of geocentric? [closed]

Why are "indemnify" and "condemn" spelled differently?

Which word is technically correct in English: debrick or unbrick?

Does the word 'incrementation' exist?

Is "accumulatory" a word? If not, what is? [closed]

Why doesn’t the verb “read” have a corresponding noun form suffixed with “‑tion/‑ion/‑sion”?

Why don't the names of the devices, in which evaporation and condensation occur, have the same ending in English? [duplicate]

Is “symmetricity” a word? [closed]

Is "pedantician" a word?

Is there a rule or pattern for figuring out which suffix should be used when creating a noun from a verb? [closed]

Nouns to adjectives: "-ous" vs. "-ful"

Joyful vs Joyous