New posts in definition

What does "refinement" mean?

Is a space compact iff it is closed as a subspace of any other space?

What is the zero subscheme of a section

The Degree of Zero Polynomial.

Enum inside class (TypeScript definition file)

Functions with different codomain the same according to my book?

Definition of a monoid: clarification needed

How to think of a set?

What is mathematical logic?

Abusing mathematical notation, are these examples of abuse?

What is machine learning? [closed]

Error with multiple definitions of function

What's the definition of a "local property"?

Add Auto-Increment ID to existing table?

If a function can only be defined implicitly does it have to be multivalued?

How to write $\pi$ as a set in ZF?

what exactly is mathematical rigor?

What is it to be normal?

Congruent Modulo $n$: definition

How to turn elements of a ring $A$ into functions on $\text{Spec}A$?