New posts in debian-jessie

Why does a background process, started in bash, print stdout to screen?

In Docker image names what is the difference between Alpine, Jessie, Stretch, and Buster?

Debian won't start SSH on startup

Linux to Linux NFS UID change

Why is Debian Jessie systemd reloading my Apache server every morning?

MySQL maximum possible memory usage above installed RAM

SElinux on Debian Jessie missing default policy

Is there a way to keep ClamAV updated on Debian 8?

Install package from oldstable (wheezy) to stable (jessie)

AH01071: Got error 'Primary script unknown

delete rsnapshot directories

How to add new persistent disk without rebooting the server?

LFTP: certificate common name doesn't match requested host name

OpenDKIM not signing mail

Getting HTTP/2 Working on Apache 2.4.29 on Debian 8

Debian jessie upgrade OpenSSH server to latest

"Unable to locate package sudo" when i try to install sudo on new Debian

Upgrade Debian release 7.11 (wheezy) to 8.5 (jessie)

Get IP of node running a specific resource when demoting master nodes to slaves

How can I prevent the kernel from limiting TX power as advertised by AP