New posts in daemons

Does trustd leak information about users' software usage to Apple and/or third parties?

What are all these tvOS services?

CommCenter (from CoreTelephony.framework) is eating 600+ MB of my RAM, why do I even need it?

What is process lsd on iOS?

How can I make a LaunchDaemon run an app at login?

Daemons or other processes responsible for dictation in 10.8?

Why can an app create daemons on the fly without sudo permission and how to stop it?

What is nfsd on macOS?

How to have sshd re-read its config file (without killing ssh connections)?

opendirectoryd taking up 1/4 of the cpu and driving fans crazy on MacBook Air

What is "hidd"?

How do I start taskgated again?

How to disable the "locate" command in Mac OS?

AutoSync Time periodically

How to make a Python script run like a service or daemon in Linux

How to access a launch daemon's values/ system defaults value

MirrorDisplays error every 30 seconds in system.log

What is "secd" process?

Fine-tuning "Open safe files after downloading"

What is touristd?