New posts in notarization

Apple notarization and 10.14.5

What is the exact behavior of Catalina verifying app?

Is it allowed to be an Apple trusted developer with pure Java

Notarizing App Distributed Out of App Store

Executing bundled shell command in a hardened runtime application

Is a paid Apple Developer account required for notarizing macOS apps?

Im trying to use xcrun altool to get my app notarised, what is --asc-provider parameter?

Is it possible to list running processes that are not signed or notarized?

Cryptographic Integrity and Authentication Validation of Homebrew Installer?

What's special about /Applications on macOS Catalina?

Disable gatekeeper notarisation check without disabling SIP

How will Apple's Notarization impact programs written in Python?

Does trustd leak information about users' software usage to Apple and/or third parties?

Enabling "Hardened Runtime" from outside of XCode

How can I install a non-notarized application that is not in the App Store and not from a verified developer?

macOS Big Sur - unnotarized 3rd party quick look plugin?