New posts in css-transitions

css3 transition delay of specific attribute

Detect CSS transitions using Javascript (and without modernizr)?

Animating max-height with CSS transitions

Does Internet Explorer support CSS transitions?

CSS3 Transform affecting other elements with chrome/safari

Is it possible to animate Flexbox inserts & removes?

CSS transitions with calc() do not work in IE10+

Why can't I animate custom properties (aka CSS variables)?

Can I apply a CSS transition to the overflow property?

Animate an element's width from 0 to 100%, with it and it's wrapper being only as wide as they need to be, without a pre-set width, in CSS3 or jQuery

CSS3 Fade Effect

Using CSS to transition the fill property of an SVG path on hover

CSS how to make an element fade in and then fade out?

Flip a 3D card with CSS

Pure CSS scroll animation

How do I have both :hover and transition-delay?

Two-tone background split by diagonal line using css

CSS transition auto height not working [duplicate]

How to prevent Webkit text rendering change during CSS transition

Why does enabling hardware-acceleration in CSS3 slow down performance?