New posts in cpu-architecture

Where does the "2" in 2^n come from when computing max memory size? n=n-bit

Why IA32 does not allow memory to memory mov? [duplicate]

Multi-Architectures and Their Binaries

Write buffers performance for write-back or write-through policy

Processor with a higher IPC vs Processor with lower IPC but specific instructions

What's the difference between a superscalar and a vector processor?

Emulating a different CPU architecture per a VM on VMware ESXI

How does direct mapped cache work?

Where is the L1 memory cache of Intel x86 processors documented?

How does x86 pause instruction work in spinlock *and* can it be used in other scenarios?

RISC-V: Implementing SLLI, SRLI and SRAI

Cycles/cost for L1 Cache hit vs. Register on x86?

How do SMP cores, processes, and threads work together exactly?

How can I determine for which platform an executable is compiled?

What's the difference between a hardware register and a memory-mapped register?

Is there a way to tell if my hardware supports specific instructions? [duplicate]

Confusion with terms -> FSB, QPI, HT, DMI, UMI

Where is the Write-Combining Buffer located? x86

Determine target ISA extensions of binary file in Linux (library or executable)

How does an assembly instruction turn into voltage changes on the CPU?