New posts in core-location

Finding distance between CLLocationCoordinate2D points

CoreMotion updates in background state

Will iOS region monitoring call didEnterRegion on my app if my app is in a terminated state?

Calculate Total Traveled Distance iOS Swift

How can I compare CLLocationCoordinate2D

distanceFromLocation - Calculate distance between two points

How to solve Xcode 4.1 (LION) GPS error?

StartUpdateLocations in Background, didUpdatingToLocation only called 10-20 times

Location permission alert on iPhone with PhoneGap

Core Data and Core Location

Optimizing CLLocationManager/CoreLocation to retrieve data points faster on the iPhone

iOS detect mock locations

iOS HTTP request while in background

Centering MKMapView on spot N-pixels below pin

iOS GPS tracking app that runs all the time

What's the easiest way to get the current location of an iPhone?

Why the CLLocationManager delegate is not getting called in iPhone SDK 4.0?

In iOS, what is the difference between the Magnetic Field values from the Core Location and Core Motion frameworks?

How to get Location user with CLLocationManager in swift?

didUpdateLocations instead of didUpdateToLocation