New posts in constants

An amazing approximation of $e$

Which is faster? Constants, Variables or Variable Arrays

Is there a runtime benefit to using const local variables?

Are the unit partial quotients of $\pi, \log(2), \zeta(3) $ and other constants $all$ governed by $H=0.415\dots$?

How to convert "pointer to pointer type" to const?

PHP Class Constants - Public, Private or Protected?

How can I get the size of an std::vector as an int?

How to have abstract and overriding constants in C#?

Is casting std::pair<T1, T2> const& to std::pair<T1 const, T2> const& safe?

What is the difference between a constant and a static variable and which should I choose?

constant already defined in php

How are arrays implemented in java?

C++: Why is const_cast evil?

Do you use constants from the implementation in your test cases?

pure/const function attributes in different compilers

const vector implies const elements?

Return reference to a vector member variable

Constants or class variables in ruby?

Returning non-const reference from a const member function

Direct array initialization with a constant value