New posts in reinterpret-cast

reinterpret_cast cast cost

Is it safe to reinterpret_cast an enum class variable to a reference of the underlying type?

Is casting std::pair<T1, T2> const& to std::pair<T1 const, T2> const& safe?

Why do we have reinterpret_cast in C++ when two chained static_cast can do its job?

Why can't I static_cast between char * and unsigned char *?

casting via void* instead of using reinterpret_cast [duplicate]

Why doesn't this reinterpret_cast compile?

How can I print out the first and second byte of a member inside a struct?

Is there a (semantic) difference between the return value of placement new and the casted value of its operand?

c programming question on reinterpret_cast

Is reinterpret_cast type punning actually undefined behavior?

reinterpret_cast vs strict aliasing

Should I use static_cast or reinterpret_cast when casting a void* to whatever

When to use reinterpret_cast?