New posts in connectedness

Prove that each component of $X$ is a closed subset of $X$.

An arbitrary product of connected spaces is connected

Connected and disconnected space [duplicate]

Suppose G is a connected graph in which each vertex has even degree. Then, G has no cut edges.

$\nabla U=0 \implies U=\mathrm{constant}$ only if $U$ is defined on a connected set? [duplicate]

$A \cup B$ and $A \cap B$ connected $\implies A$ and $B$ are connected

Topology on $\mathbb{R}$ strictly coarser (resp. finer) than the usual one which is still Hausdorff (resp. connected)

Is there a canonical way to connect a topological space?

Countable set with singleton is closed is not a pathwise connected

Is $\mathbf{R}^\omega$ in the uniform topology connected?

What are some measures of connectedness in graphs?

Looking for a counter example for non-connected intersection of descending chain of closed connected sets

Continuous image of a locally connected space which is not locally connected

Connected But Not Path-Connected?

Closure of a connected subset of $\mathbb{R}$ is connected?

Is there an infinite connected topological space such that every space obtained by removing one point from it is totally disconnected?

Does the Jordan curve theorem apply to non-closed curves?

Is there a topological group that is connected but not path-connected?

Is a random subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ connected?

Are there any countable Hausdorff connected spaces?