New posts in configuration

Why do I need to configure the SQL dialect of a data source?

Nginx Site Config Templates and Variables

How to change Open/Save dialog speed

Sonicwall HTTPS management from LAN using WAN IP

Is there a .mocha file where I can specify defaults such as --no-colors?

Accidentally deleted ~/.config directory

Replacing vi by vim

Externalizing Tomcat webapp config from .war file

Splitting applicationContext to multiple files

Which Nginx and which config file is used

Where does Mail keep its configuration files?

Can't find received_header_text in exim.config file

Mounting LUN from EMC VNX5300 via FC on Centos 6

PHP Warning: Module already loaded in Unknown on line 0

Can someone implement LVM on an existing single-hard disk system?

How do I make xinput mouse settings persistent for a USB mouse?

.NET Config Files configSource outside the application directory folder

How do I set a pulseaudio card profile persistently across reboots

How can I make smaller pop-ups on Lubuntu?

How to set a task to run for a specific inventory group?