From what you'd copied into your question it looks like either a very simple problem or a much more complex mispresentation or potentially a zoning issue, but first let's do the easy option by trying rescan using;

echo “- – -” > /sys/class/scsi_host/host#/scan

where '#'is probably the number zero but you can check this by traversing into that directory.

Then do the 'fdisk -l' again, see if anything's changed and let us know.

I tried the Chopper3 answer but that didn't help. If block device appeared in /dev fdisk I should see it and after making partition and filesystem I should mount it without problems.

I couldn't restart the machine because it was in production use. So I unloaded my FC card drivers from kernel in my case

modprobe -r lpfc

and loaded the driver once again with

modprobe lpfc

After that a new block device appeared but this time everything was ok and fdisk was able to see the new device. Partitioning, formating to ext4 and now I have new FC LUN mounted in my system
