New posts in compactness

Let $f:K\to K$ with $\|f(x)-f(y)\|\geq ||x-y||$ for all $x,y$. Show that equality holds and that $f$ is surjective. [duplicate]

Cardinality of a locally compact Hausdorff space without isolated points

Rationals are not locally compact and compactness

Are compact spaces characterized by "closed maps to Hausdorff spaces"?

Show that the closed unit ball $B[0,1]$ in $C[0,1]$ is not compact

If $E$ is an infinite subset of a compact set $K$, then $E$ has a limit point in $K$

Given a fiber bundle $F\to E\overset{\pi}{\to} B$ such that $F,B$ are compact, is $E$ necessarily compact?

Topology counterexamples without ordinals

A example of closed and bounded does not imply compactnesss in metric Space

Understanding the definition of a compact set

Is the integral operator $I: L^1([0,1])\to L^1([0,1]), f\mapsto (x\mapsto \int_0^x f \,\mathrm d\lambda)$ compact?

Show that a subset $Y$ of metric space $X$ is separable if there exists a sequence of points in $X$ whose closure contains $Y$

If $X$ is a compact topological space and if some sequence $\{f_n\}$ of continuous functions separates points on $X$, then $X$ is metrizable

How to show that $\Omega_{c}=\left\{x \in \mathbb R^{n}: V(x) \leq c\right\}$ is compact?

How to understand compactness? [duplicate]

Why are subsets of compact sets not compact?

Proving that the unit ball in $\ell^2(\mathbb{N})$ is non-compact

Prob 12, Sec 26 in Munkres' TOPOLOGY, 2nd ed: How to show that the domain of a perfect map is compact if its range is compact?

Open subspaces of locally compact Hausdorff spaces are locally compact

Proving that the Union of Two Compact Sets is Compact