New posts in command-line

How to delete random lines from a file?

How to transform valid JSON to CSV?

How to run a program for a fixed period of time?

How do I install old programs saved from Windows?

Why does apt-get install python3 with a trailing hyphen remove a lot of packages? [duplicate]

I want to amend each line in a Text file using sed or alternative solution

How to count the occurrence of specific string on a specific line in a file?

Windows command prompt blink cursor

How can I open Google Chrome in Presentation mode using a shell script

how to get ls to list files in case-insensitive order?

Deleting (intrusive?) Facebook files ok?

Is there a utility like hexdump that will handle non-native endian-ness?

Knowing when not to normalize with ffmpeg loudnorm

How can I cd to a directory without writing its name?

How can I delete a file if it starts with <html> in bash?

How do I compute the mean from ASCII file data in bash?

Print 2nd line in text file

Git Windows Command Prompt gets stuck during Git commands with (END)

How to reflow text in a terminal when you resize? [duplicate]

Why is the -r recursive flag capital in some and lower in others?