How to delete random lines from a file?

I have a file which contains 10000 lines and I want to delete 5 randomly determined lines from it. How can I do that?

You can probably solve it more efficiently than with a for-loop that needs to process the whole file once per line to remove.


line_count="$(wc -l < "$filename")"
line_nums_to_delete="$(shuf -i "1-$line_count" -n "$number")"
sed_script="$(printf '%dd;' $line_nums_to_delete)"

sed -i.bak -e "$sed_script" "$filename"

Or in one line (after defining the filename and number variables or replacing them manually):

sed -i.bak -e "$(printf '%dd;' $(shuf -i "1-$(wc -l < "$filename")" -n "$number"))" "$filename"

The -i.bak switch tells sed to edit/replace the input file immediately, but keep a backup copy of the original data, named like the input file but with .bak appended to the file name. If you don't want it to make a copy, just write -i.

Btw, you don't have to use variables as I did. You can also directly replace "$number" and both occurrences of "$filename" with the appropriate values. I just did it this way for clarity.

To break down and explain the rest of the command:

sed -e "SCRIPT" "$filename"

runs the text processing tool sed on the file specified by the filename variable, applying the instructions given as SCRIPT argument.

Our SCRIPT is dynamically generated in the lines above it, which run commands and assign their outputs to variables. Here we use these commands:

  • wc -l < "$filename" reads in the file specified by the filename variable and outputs the number of lines this file contains.

    • In your case, this should return roughly 10000 according to the size you mentioned in the question.
  • shuf -i "1-$line_count" -n "$number returns as many unique random numbers as specified by the number variable in the range 1 to $line_count (both boundaries inclusive).

    • For example, shuf -i 1-6 -n 2 would emulate throwing two regular six-sided dies.
  • printf '%dd;' ARGUMENTS returns a formatted string, taking in all ARGUMENTS (not quoted this time to treat each random number as a separate argument). The format string %dd; will be repeated while there are arguments left, and %d will be replaced with the argument represented as a decimal number.

    • Therefore, e.g. an input of 1 7 42 would result in an output of 1d;7d;42d;.

The resulting $sed_script is finally our SCRIPT for sed. A plain number is treated as address, i.e. the line number on which to apply an action, starting at 1 for the first line of the input file. d is the command to delete the specified line, and ; separates multiple sed script commands.

All together, the whole command first examines your input file as specified in the filename variable and counts its lines. Then it generates number many unique random numbers in the range 1 to the number of lines and constructs a sed script out of these to delete each mentioned random line. Finally sed runs that script on the file, modifying it.

You can use for loop to get random number and use sed command to delete the line.

for i in {0..5};
 do sed -i "$((1 + RANDOM % 10000))d" filename; 

Similar to Shivaditya's answer but without a loop and will delete lines from the whole file not just the first 10 lines:

sed -i "$((1+RANDOM%10000))d;$((1+RANDOM%10000))d;$((1+RANDOM%10000))d;$((1+RANDOM%10000))d;$((1+RANDOM%10000))d" filename

Will select five random numbers between 1 and 10000 and delete those lines in a single operation.

An answer on U&L has this nice awk solution for the problem:

<file awk -v p=5 -v n=$(<file wc -l) '
  BEGIN {srand()}
  rand() * n-- < p {p--; next}


  • -v p=5 – set variable p holding the number of lines to delete
  • -v n=$(<file wc -l) – set variable n holding the line count of the file
  • BEGIN {srand()} – before processing the file, set the seed for generating random numbers, that’s the prerequisite for using rand() to get truly™ random numbers
  • rand() * n-- < p {…} – A conditional expression running the part in braces if it is true. rand() creates a random number between (including) 0 and (excluding) 1, this is multiplied with the line count n, which is decreased by 1. If the result is smaller than p, the expression is true.
  • p--; next – decrease p by 1 and proceed to the next line ignoring subsequent commands
  • print – print the currently processed line

The second and last line of the awk script are run for every line of the input file, so on every line there’s a chance of p / n for the line to be skipped and not printed, while the default action is to just print the line.

Example run

I created a file with the letters a–e each in an own line with

printf '%s\n' {a..e} >file

and set p=1 to delete one line randomly. I changed the code to also print the values of n and p for each line before any of them is decreased.

$ <file awk -v n=$(<file wc -l) -v p=1 'BEGIN {srand()} {printf "n="n" p="p" "} rand() * n-- < p {p--; print ""; next} {print}'
n=5 p=1
n=4 p=0 b
n=3 p=0 c
n=2 p=0 d
n=1 p=0 e
$ <file awk -v n=$(<file wc -l) -v p=1 'BEGIN {srand()} {printf "n="n" p="p" "} rand() * n-- < p {p--; print ""; next} {print}'
n=5 p=1 a
n=4 p=1 b
n=3 p=1 
n=2 p=0 d
n=1 p=0 e
$ <file awk -v n=$(<file wc -l) -v p=1 'BEGIN {srand()} {printf "n="n" p="p" "} rand() * n-- < p {p--; print ""; next} {print}'
n=5 p=1 a
n=4 p=1 b
n=3 p=1 c
n=2 p=1 d
n=1 p=1 

Further reading

  • The GNU Awk User’s Guide: Chapter 9.1.2 Numeric Functions

With gawk, drop the following code into a file (called say, del_random)

function randint(n)
    return int(n * rand()) + 1

  command = sprintf("wc -l <\"%s\"", FILENAME)
  command | getline total_lines
  delete arr
  while (length(arr) < lines_to_del)
    val = randint(total_lines)
    if (val in arr)
    arr[val] = 1
!(FNR in arr)

and then execute it as

gawk -i inplace -f del_random lines_to_del=5 file1 lines_to_del=20 file2

Any number of files can be passed (file1, file2, ...) and the number of lines to be deleted can be specified on a per-file basis via the lines_to_del parameter as show. The -i inplace is the gawk equivalent to sed's -i

On the other hand if it's the same number of lines need to be deleted from each file you can set lines_to_del once as follows:

gawk -i inplace -v lines_to_del=5 -f del_random file1 file2