New posts in command-line-interface

How to resolve NIC service IDs (GUIDs)?

How do I change the bg color of chmod 777 directories in tcsh?

What's the difference between BSD-style and Unix-style command line options?

Zipping folder with absolute path without keeping tree of folders

SCCM - Where to put the create user step

tcsh : path of sourced file

command line http server for windows

Is there an equivalent Windows command for the w command in Linux/Unix?

'touch' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

How to rename libc.a back

Windows 2k8 R2 - What is the UserDN belongs to 1 OU that inside the other OU?

How do I remove (un-apply) a named filter from a Procurve switch port using the CLI?


Command window missing default 8x12 font

Stop bash tab completion from thinking I want to cd into .svn directories

Linux alternative for FreeBSD systat tool

How to list environmental variables on Windows Server 2008 R2

powershell or bat - counting files in all directories and subdirec

Using ROBOCOPY to MOVE data around, not copy it

AWS CLI CloudFront Invalidate All Files