I am attempting to invalidate an entire static website. The following command does not seem to invalidate /index.html and gives an odd output of items to be invalided, as shown below. Is this AWS CLI behaviour normal or am I missing something? Thanks!

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id $DISTRIBUTION_ID --paths /*


    "Invalidation": {
    "Status": "InProgress", 
    "InvalidationBatch": {
        "Paths": {
            "Items": [
            "Quantity": 28

Solution 1:

That's your shell doing expansion of local filenames.

That's what you're essentially asking for since the * isn't quoted.

Either --paths '*' or Specifying --paths '/*'¹ will do what you intend. Quoting the wildcard keeps it as a literal string rather than what you're seeing.

¹The CloudFront console allows you to specify either * or /* to invalidate the entire distribution; by contrast, the CLI expects /*. This, in turn, is because the underlying API also expects /*. When you use * in the console, the leading slash is silently added by the console before the console makes the request to the CloudFront API.

Solution 2:

Example of invalidation of cloudfront distribution via aws cli :

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id <DistributionID> --paths "/*"

Example :

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E1B1A4GHK9TTE --paths "/*"

To list or get cloudfront distribution id you can use console or via cli :

aws cloudfront list-distributions 
aws cloudfront list-distributions | grep Id

Solution 3:

Maybe on windows (using cmd) you can use the path without quotes, but on bash environment (linux, mac) the character * it's a special char. You need to pass the path inside quotes to work cross-platform:

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id $DISTRIBUTION_ID --paths '/*'