New posts in task

What's the difference between mustRunAfter and dependsOn in Gradle?

SCCM - Where to put the create user step

What is the point of .NET 4.6's Task.CompletedTask?

Set ApartmentState on a Task

Returning from a task without blocking UI thread

How do I wait until Task is finished in C#?

How can I run both of these methods 'at the same time' in .NET 4.5?

AfterPublish target not working

How to return to the latest launched activity when re-launching application after pressing HOME?

Activity stack ordering problem when launching application from Android app installer and from Home screen

Gradle task check if property is defined

How do task killers work?

Can .NET Task instances go out of scope during run?

Waiting for async/await inside a task

access all ListView Items from Task.Run() gives this error InvalidOperationException: 'Cross-thread operation not valid

How to bring a background task to the front below honeycomb?

What is the difference between a thread/process/task?

Task.Run from UI thread throws STA error

Run work on specific thread

UI only partly responsive while running tasks and updating ui