New posts in cleartype

Windows 10: Force IE 11 to use NonAntialiased Font

Are there any LCD monitors with vertically oriented RGB stripes when in portrait orientation? [closed]

Does subpixel rendering technology such as ClearType have any effect on CRT displays?

Odd Windows Font-Rendering Issue (With Video Demo)

possible to enable ClearType in Office 2013?

Why are WSL GUI apps rendered with blurry fonts with Xming?

How to turn off ClearType for one application only?

How to get Apple font rendering on Windows?

What are all the places where ClearType can be disabled?

Text display quality in Visio 2010

Toggle ClearType (Windows 7)

Disable ClearType (blurry fonts) in Internet Explorer 10 on windows 7

How to render fonts in Windows 8 like in XP?

Force cleartype fonts in Google Chrome

Smooth font rendering for Japanese characters

ClearType keeps turning off on Windows over RDP

Terrible font rendering in some applications but not others

Not clear/sharp font in Windows after connecting it thru Remote desktop for the 1st time

How to turn off ClearType and use whole-pixel anti-aliasing in Windows 7?