New posts in cil

Why is it necessary to call :this() on a struct to use automatic properties in c#?

Profiling a dynamic pinvoke

MSBuild Ignore absent <TargetFrameworks> for every .csproj in .sln?

IL switch instruction

Generate tail call opcode

A .net disassembler/decompiler [closed]

What's the purpose of the CIL nop opcode?

Differences between MSIL and Java bytecode?

Call and Callvirt

What does beforefieldinit flag do?

Is there an explanation for inline operators in "k += c += k += c;"?

Why is !0 a type in Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)?

What is the purpose of hidebysig in a MSIL method?

Weird performance increase in simple benchmark

Why does this (null || !TryParse) conditional result in "use of unassigned local variable"?

Why is it not possible to get local variable names using Reflection?

Java's Virtual Machine and CLR

Why does the C# compiler translate this != comparison as if it were a > comparison?

General purpose FromEvent method

What can you do in MSIL that you cannot do in C# or VB.NET? [closed]